A West Roxbury man was arrested by Boston Police Officers on Massachusetts Drunk Driving Charges after he allegedly crashed his car on the median on American Legion Highway last Sunday. He was arraigned on 1st Offense DUI / OUI Charges in West Roxbury District Court on Monday.
According to Boston Police, officers discovered tire tracks the length of about 50 yards on the median of American Legion Highway in Roslindale. The car was still on the median and had two flat tires, and the driver was allegedly standing beside the car.
The driver then told Boston Police that he was on his way home and that another car had cut him off, which had caused him to crash onto the median. Boston Police Officers, however, allegedly observed the West Roxbury man to have glassy eyes and be unsteady on his feet; and further allegedly claimed that he had admitted to having drank alcohol.
After allegedly failing ‘several’ Field Sobriety Tests, the driver was arrested for Driving Under the Influence.
Due to the serious nature and consequences of a DUI arrest, you should immediately Contact a Boston DUI Lawyer if ever arrested on any Massachusetts DUI / OUI Crimes.
Boston Criminal Defense Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Drunk Driving Crimes.
To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Boston DUI / OUI Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.