A Boston man was arrested this past week on Massachusetts Drunk Driving and Related Charges for allegedly being “all over the road” in Danvers. The unidentified Boston man was arrested and charged with Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol, 2nd Subsequent Offense; and Resisting Arrest.
According to the Danvers Police Department, the driver was pulled over in the area of Dyer Court in Danvers when he allegedly went through a stop sign. When police began questioning him, he allegedly became “combative”, and consequently allegedly resisted the officers attempts to handcuff and arrest him.
2nd Offense Drunk Driving Charges in Massachusetts:
The potential penalties involved for a Second Subsequent DUI / OUI in Massachusetts involves possible imprisonment in the House of Corrections of ‘not less than 60 days and up to 2.5 years’. A subsequent OUI conviction will also lead to an increased loss of the persons Massachusetts’ Driver’s License for 2 years, and the requirement of the installation of an Interlock Device on the person’s vehicle in order to have his/her license reinstated.
Notwithstanding the above possible dispositions, a Second Offense DUI conviction also provides for an ‘Alternative Disposition’, which would include: probation; completion of an in-patient Alcohol-Treatment Program; Driver’s License Suspension for 2 years; and installation of an Interlock Device on the vehicle when his/her license is reinstated.
Because of the various potential severe penalties involved if charged with a Massachusetts DUI / OUI Crime, you should Contact a Boston DUI / OUI Lawyer.
Boston Criminal Attorney Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts OUI / Drunk Driving Crimes.
To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Boston DUI / OUI Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.