
Daughter-In-Law to Boston Bruin Bobby Orr Arrested for Drunk Driving

Chelsea Orr, daughter-in-law to former Boston Bruin Bobby Orr, was arrested last week by Cohasset Police on Massachusetts Drunk Driving Charges.

Orr was arraigned in Quincy District Court for Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol, Second Subsequent Offense.

According to the Cohasset Police Department, Chelsea Orr’s car was involved in an accident. EMT’s, who were reportedly already on scene, told police that Orr allegedly ran from her car towards her house but hid in the bushes, eventually agreeing to come out to be evaluated.

Cohasset Police then reported that Orr allegedly admitted to drinking earlier in the evening prior to the crash and also allegedly failed Field Sobriety Tests.

OUI / DUI 2nd Offense in Massachusetts carries a sentence of imprisonment to the House of Corrections for not less than 60 days and not more than 2.5 years. In addition, a second drunk driving conviction will result in a driver’s license suspension for 2 years and require the installation of an Interlock Device upon reinstatement of the person’s license.

Notwithstanding these penalties, Massachusetts DUI / OUI Laws also provide an ‘alternative disposition’ for second time offenders. The alternative disposition, upon a change of plea, would involve being placed on probation; completion of an in-patient alcohol treatment program; loss of license for 2 years; and the installation of an Interlock Devine on the vehicle when the license is reinstated.

Boston DUI Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Drunk Driving Law Violations, including OUI / DUI 2nd Offense.

To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Massachusetts OUI / DUI Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

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