
Cape Cod Woman Arrested on 4th Drunk Driving Charge

Mary Messier, 34, of South Dennis, was arrested in the early morning hours Wednesday on Massachusetts DUI Charges for the fourth time. She was arraigned in Orleans District Court and held on $500 bail for Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol, 4th Offense.

According to the Dennis Police Department, Messier was speeding when she allegedly almost collided with a police cruiser who happened to be on patrol. The police officer reportedly pulled off road in order to avoid a collision, and then followed Messier, who allegedly continued to speed and then struck a curb before coming to a stop in a parking lot.

The Dennis Police officer who pulled Messier over for suspicion of OUI reported that she displayed “obvious signs of intoxication” and also asked her to perform Field Sobriety Tests (although it was not reported whether Messier ‘failed’ or ‘passed’ those tests).

Massachusetts Drunk Driving Laws provide for enhanced penalties for persons convicted of subsequent DUI offenses. For a 4th Offense OUI / DUI Charge in Massachusetts, the law provides for a minimum-mandatory sentence of not less than 2 years, and up to 5 years in state prison.

Additionally, a person convicted of a 4th drunk driving charge also faces several thousands of dollars in fines, as well as a loss of his/her driver’s license for 10 years.

Because of the severe penalties, those charged with a DUI / OUI should immediately consult with a competent Massachusetts DUI / OUI Lawyer.

Boston OUI Lawyer Lefteris K. Travayiakis is available 24/7 for consultation on all Massachusetts Drunk Driving & Related Crimes.

To schedule a Free Consultation, Click Here to Contact a Massachusetts DUI Lawyer or call 617-325-9500.

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